Partium Website Relaunch launches new website to sharpen its brand profile

Vienna, Austria; Barcelona, Spain; Frankfurt, Germany; Philadelphia, USA – August 10, 2021
After the merger of Humai, Catchoom, and Slyce and the formation of Partium in November 2020, the joint entity moved ahead with the development of the Partium brand.
The result is a new and improved online presence that will enhance the experience of customers, partners, and everyone else looking into Enterprise Part Search.
Partium is the leading Enterprise Part Search, available for smartphones, tablets, or desktops. Partium enables users to search and find industrial spare parts and components quickly and very conveniently.
With its ease of use and highly reliable recognition results, Partium improves maintenance, aftersales & service processes – even in the most challenging environments.
“The primary goal during the redesign process was to create a common identity for the new entity and present Partium as the strong, reliable brand it is. We have continuously developed and improved our offering, accessed new markets, and grown our company significantly. Our brand relaunch represents this transformation”, says Philipp Begala, Vice President Marketing & Sales Operations.
In addition, wanted to provide a clear-structured, user-centric website for its prospects, customers, and stakeholders. The new website focuses on product offering, use cases, benefits and provides a lot of information through the all-new resource center.
Speed, convenience, ease of use & reliability are the values Partium is built on. “We have developed the Partium Enterprise Part Search to facilitate the daily work of our customers. We help them drive digitization in the industrial sector and speed up internal processes significantly”, says Philipp Descovich, CEO of the company.
For more information, visit our website or contact us at!

Press Contact
Christina Angerer
Marketing & Digital Lead Generation
Dresdner Straße 91/C2, 1200 Vienna, Austria